
TAM Planners Co. Commences Work Anew on the Updating of Pasay City CLUP, ZO, CDP and LDIP

8 August 2022

After its successful bid for the consulting service engagement, Tomeldan, Alli & Molina Planners Co. was recently commissioned to undertake the Updating/Formulation of the Pasay City 2023-34 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Sectoral Studies, the Amendments to the 2016 Zoning Ordinance (ZO), the 2023-28 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) and the 2023-25 Local Development Investment Program (LDIP).

Shown below (in a recent group photo after the Kick-off Meeting and Presentation) are Pasay City Mayor Imelda Calixto-Rubiano (center, wearing red top and blue slacks), with two Pasay City council members (left of the Mayor) , the Chief of Staff (7th from left), the City Planner (behind the Mayor wearing blue facemask), and other LGU department heads and senior staff.

Photo by TAM Staff

Also in the photo, to the right of Mayor Calixto, are some senior members of the TAM Planning Team: 1) A. Alli (Team Leader, behind Mayor Calixto wearing white facemask); 2) C. Liwag (Environmental Assessment Specialist, right of the Mayor); 3) Michael Tomeldan (Project Manager, back row with white shirt); 4) D. Magnaye (Economist, front row in white top); 5) C. Cruz (Social Assessment Specialist, front row, dark colored top); 6) R. Billones (Deputy Team Leader, front row, light blue top); 7) C. Teston (Institutional Specialist, fifth from right); 8) G. Milarion (Land Use Mapping Specialist, fourth from right); and 9) J. Oana (Urban/Regional Development Expert, third from right). There are four other senior members of the planning team not included in the photo.

TAM was also actively involved in the prior (2003 and 2016) editions of the Pasay City CLUP and ZO. The CLUP version developed for Pasay City was a Comprehensive Land-Water-Air Use Plan (CLWAUP) in recognition of the importance of the municipal water areas (MWAs), and of the MIAA aerodrome and air navigational highways (ANH) above Pasay City and their attendant development restrictions. The land, water and air public domains (for physical planning under R.A. No. 10587) are specifically mentioned in the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

Photo by TAM Staff

Pasay stakeholders and TAM consultants during the PPAs Prioritization Workshop
