Project Info
Client | National Economic and Development Authority |
Location | Calapan City, MIMAROPA Region |
Country | Philippines |
Period Covered | January 2019 - December 2020 |
Associated Consultant | |
Description | The Project involves the formulation of a master plan for the sustainable urban infrastructure development in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro. This long-term overall development framework will be a guide for the preparation of programs, activities, and projects (PAPs) for decision-makers to achieve its goal in improving competitiveness, disaster resiliency, and urban conditions in Calapan City. The Study approach aims to attain strategic management and development goals for inclusive growth, aesthetic functionality of the built environment, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, ecosystem protection and green space conservation, and the improvement of informal settlements through sustainable urban infrastructure development by means of public and private sector investments. The envisioned master plan intends to facilitate sustainable development in Calapan City through the identified national development pillars of concentration, connectivity, and vulnerability reduction. The MPSUID aims to achieve the national vision where economic growth is relevant, inclusive, and sustainable in the areas of housing and development, manufacturing, connectivity, education, tourism, agriculture, and health and wellness. These are met in the context of the development of blue-green infrastructure, coordinated and inclusive governance, compact urban growth, priority and phased infrastructure development, utilization of sustainable energy, and accessibility for all. The master plan will be able to facilitate the needed integration and coordination of the plans and projects of the regional, provincial, and local government. Through time tempered by implementation experiences of integrated place-based development projects with regional impact, an effective framework and system of integration and coordination can be worked out among the three levels of government, consistent with their mandates and development coverage. These can take, among other options, the form of local economic development corporations or special oversight area-based boards as are now practiced in the North American cities where the Philippines has strong institutional affinities in urban planning, public administration, and land use development. Along with the master plan are five (5) Pre-Feasibility Studies focused on the identified priority infrastructure projects. These are the: (1) Agro-Processing Center, which will support the production of value-added agricultural products, provide postharvest assistance and expand marketing opportunities to farmers, and utilize post-harvest losses; (2) Calapan City Grand Central Terminal (GCT), which is an intermodal transport facility proposed to be constructed along a strategic highway that will alleviate traffic congestion by diverting public utility vehicles (PUVs), provide convenient transfers for passengers, enhance connectivity between Calapan City and other municipalities of the province, and provide opportunity for transit-oriented development (TOD) within the location of the proposed terminal; (3) Flood Control and Mitigation Project, which will prevent and minimize the widespread inundation of Calapan City through the construction of longitudinal dikes and the storage dam at the Aglubang – Ibolo confluence, dredging of the Bucayao River, and flood forecasting and early warning system for the Mag-Asawang Tubig – Bucayao River Basin; (4) Septage Management System Project, which will help in minimizing pollution in the Calapan River and enhance the livelihood of local fisherfolks through the construction of a septage treatment facility and the provision of vacuum trucks; and (5) Regional Government Center, which will ease multiple public transactions through upgraded, technologically efficient, and accessible offices of the local government unit and other relevant national government agencies together with essential commercial establishments located in a single compound equipped with Smart-City concept developments. |
Services Provided | Prepared Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development of Calapan City Prepared Prefeasibility Studies for five priority infrastructure projects with accompanying Market Study, Environmental and Social Assessment, Preliminary Architectural Design, Landscape Architecture Design Engineering Design, and Financial Analysis. Master Planning and Preliminary Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Engineering Designs were undertaken for the Agro Processing Center, Calapan City Grand Central Terminal, the Regional Government Center. Prepared Results-Based Monitoring & Evaluation Matrix and Communication Plan As part of its participatory planning approach, the team conducted Consultative and Training Workshops, and Key Informant Interviews. |
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